The GWIB and President Nixon

As many of you are aware, President's Washington, Harding, Eisenhower, Carter, and George H. W. Bush have used the Washington Inaugural Bible in their Inaugural oath taking. Many other President's, though, have a connection to the GWIB.

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Manny Callias
St. John's Lodge and... Drinking Water?

St. John's Lodge has an interesting history with the idea of bringing fresh water into the city of New York.  

New York's drinking water is often referred to as the 'champagne' of drinking water because of its consistent taste and high quality.  In fact, there are over 1,000 water sampling stations throughout the city of which at least 50 are checked by field scientists every day.  Our quality water, though, wasn't always so great...

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Manny Callias
Getting Ready for Use

The George Washington Inaugural Bible getting ready for use in the Third Degree for St. John's Lodge. It has been a Lodge tradition to use the Bible specifically for the Third Degree for many years. The Bible was originally the Lodge's altar Bible starting in 1770 after the original building they met in burned down in a large scale fire in Lower Manhattan that year.

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Manny Callias