Please help us protect this national treasure to ensure that it can continue to travel and be seen by our Nations citizens and take part in American history for another 250 years.  Your help comes at a critical time.  We can no longer take the Bible out for extended periods of time or travels around the country.  Our Foundation has a plan in place to help restore this document so it can be seen in towns and cities around the country.  Please help us in our cause.  All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Donate Now to Preserve This National Treasure

The George Washington Inaugural Bible Miniature Replica

Replica Bibles signed by King Edward VIII and President's Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, and Dwight Eisenhower.

Replica Bibles signed by King Edward VIII and President's Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, and Dwight Eisenhower.

If you are interested in receiving a replica copy of the George Washington Inaugural Bible with your donation, please select the below item by clicking on the picture.

Inaugural Replica Mini-Bible

This is an exact replica of the George Washington Inaugural Bible in a smaller size.  The Lodge has been producing these for over 100 years in a similar format and many have been signed by Presidents and Kings of England and are in possession of the Lodge.  

These make a great gift for any family member or a Lodge that wants one for their records or for new candidates taking their degrees.

Hardcover Foil-stamped, 6″x9″, King James Bible. Gold edges with illustrations.


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